Faith Based Counseling

Perhaps we can start by defining what is meant by the term Faith Based Counseling. Faith Based Counseling simply put is counseling on any subject based on the belief that our higher power, the Creator of all that is, was, or ever will be, however you see and understand him, can and will assist you in your journey through this existence. I will henceforth refer to the Supreme Being as God. Feel free to translate that in your own mind and heart into whatever terms, name, or names you feel comfortable with. In this ministry my job as a pastor is to amplify your existing beliefs to reconnect with God as you understand him. You can have God’s blessings upon reconnecting with the spirit. Amazing things can and do happen. Addictions to alcohol and drug can be and have been overcome. Bad habits like smoking or chewing have melted away. Fears and phobias disappear. And a wide variety of other positive life changes can and do occur.

What Does the Bible or other Religious Teachings say about hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a psychological technique that involves inducing a state of heightened concentration and suggestibility in a person in order to alter their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. It is not mentioned in the Bible or any other religious texts that I am aware of, and it is not a practice that is endorsed or condemned by the Bible. If you have specific questions about the Bible or about Christian teachings, I would be happy to help.

If anyone knows of any references please cite them for or against for everyone to see and research on their own.

There is no one answer to this question, as different pastors may have different reasons for claiming that hypnosis is the work of the devil. Some pastors may be influenced by their own personal beliefs, cultural or social influences, or a desire to promote a particular doctrine or ideology. It is important to note that hypnosis is a recognized and legitimate psychological technique by the AMA since 1958, that has been used by clinicians and researchers for a wide variety of purposes, including the treatment of medical and mental health conditions. While hypnosis may not be for everyone, it is not inherently evil or demonic, and there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that it is associated with the devil or other supernatural forces.

The American Southwest

The American Southwest is home to a diverse array of American Indian tribes, each with their own unique cultures and spiritual traditions. Among these tribes, there are many different names and concepts used to refer to the divine.

For example, some Southwest tribes may use terms such as the Great Spirit, the Creator, or the Great Mystery to refer to the divine. Other tribes may have their own unique names for the divine, such as Ahntiki (“the divine” in the Cherokee language) or Pahana (“the lost white brother” in the Hopi language).

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples, and that many American Indian tribes of the Southwest have their own unique names and concepts for the divine. These names and concepts are part of the rich cultural heritage of these tribes and help to shape their spiritual beliefs and practices.

Overall, the spiritual beliefs and practices of the American Indian tribes of the Southwest, like those of all cultures, are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be easily reduced to a single name or concept. Understanding and respecting the diversity of these traditions is an important part of fostering harmony and mutual understanding among different cultures.

Actual cites and corrections or comments welcome as is discussion.

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